What is your inspiration for volunteering?
I’ve been talking about this a lot with friends – I care about the lives and well-being of others. I want people in our community to
have meaningful experiences and opportunities to thrive. I want to share in that process.
What is your favorite thing about Lunch Break?
I’m in awe of the scope of programs at Lunch Break. It’s more than just a kitchen or a pantry or a clothing resource, beautiful community gifts on their own. Lunch Break offers life skills programs that help with jobs and education, financial literacy, empowerment and independence.
Favorite Lunch Break experience?
My favorite Lunch Break experience is not a singular moment but rather a cumulative collection of positive interactions. I work in the kitchen and I truly look forward to every shift. As I enter the building I am greeted by the ever smiling George who checks me in, then I pass through the dining room where I see and say hello to many regular guests with whom I have become acquainted, and then I walk through the kitchen door and I’m genuinely happy to be with my kitchen friends (and all who pass through the kitchen at some point during a shift). Lunch Break is such a special place and I am so lucky to be a part of the team.